Even with just these four modules we can build many PIC microcontroller Special Microcontroller Features: 8051 is a microprocessor and Pic is micro controller, PIC has internal memory whereas 8051 does not have. Each PIC module, can be controlled by bit switches in various registers. Timer0: 8-Bit Timer/Counter with 8-Bit Prescaler. A Free PIC Timer 1 calculator - tclet (like a java applet) that calculates frequency and period for Timer 1. P16 FAMILY : Tube brightness can be controlled on the console, and a reset button for the PIC 16F88 is provided. and as soon as a input signal injected or entered to a PIC pin the timerimmediately turned off and calculate the time of passed by that timer.
The maximum delay will be achieved when x is 0 and prescale rate is set to its highest ratio.